Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 1- Withdrawl Already?

Today was my first day of dieting, as many of you know who read my previous post. I woke up this morning with so much excitement to begin this journey of getting healthy. I have marked the days on my calendar for cycle 1 and am trying to decide what the best before and after outfit to use is.

Here is what I ate today:
Morning- Hot water with 1/2 Lemon
Breakfast- Apple and Yogurt, Green Tea
Lunch- Omelet with peppers, tomato and spinach.
Afternoon- Green Tea at Night and Day
Dinner- Chicken and peppers, salad. Oil used in cooking and on salad. Green Tea.
Snacks: Strawberries, yogurt.
The only thing I didn't do today is reach all of my water intake... tomorrow I will need to drink more earlier! I only made it to 6 glasses! 
Also I took 2 walks today and filled my exercise quota :)

To be perfectly honest I thought my excitement and fire for this new project would help me whip through the day, and it got me through the morning and almost all the way to my late lunch. The afternoon slump is when my stomach really started craving bread- and cheese- and pasta- and rice- and anything that I can't eat. I was feeling a little tired and hungry all afternoon but I treated myself later to a nice hearty dinner, which turned out to be extra delicious!
Turns out eating healthy can still taste good- it will just take more planning. :)The rest of the night was OK, but I know this is going to be hard. I look around and watch everyone eating ice cream or soda or pasta- or go to Night and Day and realize the only thing I can get is Green Tea. :/ I know I can do this- I just will really miss my carbs!

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